How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Cockroaches

Brett Munson • Oct 04, 2023

How Exterminators Eliminate Cockroach Infestations


Cockroaches spread diseases and can trigger allergies and asthma. These resilient pests have been around for millions of years, making control challenging. Thankfully, professional exterminators have effective methods to eradicate cockroaches. 

In this blog post, we will explore different cockroach species and discuss the systematic approach used by experts to eliminate these persistent pests.

The Different Types of Cockroaches You Should Know About

Accurately identifying the species of cockroach is paramount when formulating an effective pest control strategy. Explore the common types with their unique characteristics.

German Cockroach

The German cockroach, a prevalent pest, often infiltrates both residential and commercial properties. It exhibits a light brown to tan hue and tends to frequent areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

American Cockroach

American cockroaches are larger than German cockroaches, measuring up to 50 mm long. Found commonly in sewers and basements.

Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are also known as water bugs because they prefer damp areas.

Australian Cockroach

Australian cockroaches are easily recognized by their vibrant yellow markings and long antennae. These resilient insects are frequently encountered in residential dwellings, gardens, and outdoor spaces.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Though not commonly found in homes, Madagascar hissing cockroaches are popular in zoos and as pets. These roaches are known for their hissing sound, which they make by expelling air through their breathing pores.

5 Steps Professional Exterminators Take to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Thorough Inspection

Professional exterminators conduct a comprehensive inspection upon arrival to evaluate the severity of the cockroach infestation. By examining potential hiding spots, identifying cockroach types and entry points, they efficiently address the issue.

Treatment Plan Development

Exterminators will inspect and tailor a treatment plan for your infestation. Methods like bait stations, liquid insecticides, dust applicators, and fumigation may be used. You'll be briefed and asked for approval before proceeding.


Exterminators will carry out an approved treatment plan for cockroach infestation. If needed, premises may need to be vacated. Techniques like spraying insecticide, applying dust, or setting bait stations will be used to eliminate the pests. Process duration varies depending on infestation severity.

Prevention Measures

To prevent re-infestation, professional exterminators educate on preventative measures: seal cracks, maintain sanitation, and conduct regular inspections.

Follow-up Inspection

After extermination, professional exterminators will conduct a post-treatment inspection. This ensures complete elimination of cockroaches and detects any re-infestation. If a new infestation is found, the treatment process will be repeated.

Achieve a Cockroach-Free Home or Business

Cockroaches are unsightly and can pose health risks. Professional exterminators have proven methods to eliminate them from your property. By following the discussed steps, ensure your home or business is roach-free. If you suspect an infestation, call an exterminator promptly to prevent further issues. Acting quickly can save time, money, and health concerns.

Pelican Pest Control offers fast and efficient services in getting rid of cockroaches. Our experienced exterminators specialize in detection, control, and prevention using tailored treatments. Customer satisfaction and safety are our priorities. Contact us today for the best pest control solutions for your property!

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